Eden Vidal - Productizing Design Sprints and Converting The Hourly

Co-founder and Head of Design at Under, Eden Vidal, joined me on Ditching Hourly to talk about productizing design sprints, optimizing your business to suit your personality, and convincing contractors to ditch hourly billing.

Eden's Links:
AI Summary:

Eden Vidal, a designer and developer, shares his success with value-based concepts for his design studio. He specializes in brand sprints, a niche methodology for running branding processes for young technology companies. The brand sprint focuses on creating a brand story and developing a visual language, primarily for the homepage of a website. Eden emphasizes the importance of speed and delivering quick and fancy results for startups. The ideal clients for brand sprints are funded startups that already have some branding but feel a mismatch and a need for a quick and premium solution. Eden discusses his approach to managing his time between brand sprints and his own creative projects. He explains that while his wife focuses on optimizing brand sprints, he wants to pursue more and work on his own entrepreneurial ventures. They also discuss the challenges of transitioning from hourly contracts to fixed-price projects and the importance of clear communication and expectations. Eden shares his experience of hiring contractors and the benefits of focusing on delivering results rather than selling time. They also explore the idea of creating a platform that simplifies the process of defining project requirements and finding the right freelancers.

  • 00:00 Introduction and Background
  • 06:22 The 10-Day Brand Sprint Process
  • 08:38 Ideal Clients for Brand Sprints
  • 29:16 Balancing Brand Sprints and Personal Creative Projects
  • 37:36 Transitioning from Hourly Contracts to Fixed-Price Projects
  • 42:18 The Benefits of Delivering Results Instead of Selling Time
  • 53:01 Simplifying the Freelancer Hiring Process with a Platform

The next time someone asks you for your hourly rate, I want you to stop what you're doing and head on over to valuepricingbootcamp.com to sign up for my free value pricing email course.

Hope to see you there!

Creators and Guests

Jonathan Stark
Jonathan Stark
The Ditching Hourly Guy • For freelancers, consultants, and other experts who want to make more and work less w/o hiring
Eden Vidal - Productizing Design Sprints and Converting The Hourly
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